Towards hierarchical Brotherhood

Today we are immersed in the great Beauty of the solar Dance radiated by our celestial Brothers Jupiter in Gemini (square to Saturn in Pisces) and Mercury, in conjunction with the asteroids/Muses Erato, Clio and Euterpe in Capricorn.

The Creators of the Solar Plane, Jupiter and Saturn, the higher Love and Light, today, placed at a right angle in the heliocentric zodiacal wheel, give the causative impulse of Their first quadrature after the “incipit vita nova” (a new life begins!) impulse, ignited by the 2020 conjunction in Aquarius, the Sign of the dawning Age, of universal Brotherhood and of the Initiation of the human Group.

This harmonising Relationship (square: 90° = 360°/4, 4th Ray aspect of Harmony through conflict) is imprinted in this extraordinary 2025, a year sacred to the Externalisation of the Hierarchy and to the reappearance of the 4th Ray precisely, the Soul Ray of the 4th human Kingdom and the 4th human Hierarchy, guided by the Buddhic or Christic Principle (again, the 4th one).

The Date is therefore auspicious for a great Sowing of Love and Light in the Heart of Man, to strengthen the Relationship between the planetary Love and Light, Hierarchy and Humanity.

We therefore present a work which will see the Assertion of 7 Key Ideas, extracted from the book Hierarchy of Agni Yoga, according to the 7 Ray directions and in attuned Dates.

Rhythmically co-ordinating our hearts and minds with the Formulas of the Brotherhood, oriented to the favourable signs of the Heavens, makes us more and more ritualistic, that is, sensitive and responsive agents to hierarchical impression, to the Seven building Energies of the Order of divine Creators.

The vision and goal is therefore, as the planetary Eye (the Group of World Servers, the one planetary Server) to assist in the Harmonisation between Hierarchy and Humanity, between planetary Heart and Throat, between the Seven Centres of the Fourth human Hierarchy and the Seven etheric Centres of Humanity.

From: A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 214

The 7 Dates chosen to solemnly celebrate this concordance are the Directions traced by our Earth, the ‘sphere of experience’ (Humanity as the solar Centre), with its ‘Elder Brothers’, the solar Star of the 7 sacred Luminaries, the Prototypes of the Seven Ashrams/planetary Centres.

Here are the 7 Key Ideas, ordered according to the 7 Principles and the 7 Directions/Dates:

23/3   Earth*Venus   5th Ray | Tension/Action

24/6   Earth*Jupiter   2nd Ray | Heart-Magnet-Infinity

25/7   Earth*Pluto   1st Ray | Will 

21/9   Earth*Saturn   3rd Ray | Fire-Light

23/9   Earth*Neptune   6th Ray | Master-Focal Point

20/11   Earth*Mercury   4th Ray | Beauty  

21/11   Earth*Uranus   7th Ray | Hierarchical Law


The Master of Agni Yoga invites disciples to follow the Teaching as the source of life and to spread it through the fire of the heart.

… one should take My Indications… for the saturation of the entire life. [1]

The planetary Server has responded to the call of the Master and with victorious spirit prepares His Advent by radiating from the Chalice of the heart sparks of the Teaching, sparks of Will, Love and Light.

The Ruler of Shambhala reveals three Doctrines to humanity: the Teaching manifested by Maitreya summons the human spirit to Our creative world; the Teaching of Maitreya ordains the infinite in Cosmos, in life, and in the attainments of the spirit; the Teaching of Maitreya guards the knowledge of the Cosmic Fire as the unfoldment of the heart that embraces the manifestation of the Universe.

The ancient legend that affirms the manifestation of Maitreya as a resurrection of the spirit is correct. We will add that the resurrection of the spirit as the conscious acceptance of the Teaching of Lord Maitreya may be precursor of the Advent. Verily, the resurrection! [2]

… In the morning, repeating the seven words, say:

Help us lest we neglect Your Labor.

And repeating My Name,

and asserting yourself in My Labor, you will attain My Day.

Cherish and read My Words.

In these days of hardship you will be vindicated by labor.

And through action will you be exalted.

And by My Name will you attain.

I said it. [3]

How to affirm oneself in the Teaching? How to approach the higher law of Hierarchy? Only through refinement of thoughts and expansion of consciousness. How can one assimilate the Command from Above if there is no affirmation of correspondence? One should display receptivity to each energy. One should be able to adopt the vastness of the Teaching. Only correspondence can permit the saturation of the vessel. Therefore, the manifestation of breadth is worthy of a broad consciousness. On the way to Us one may attain only through Hierarchy. [4]

Hierarchy is a goal-fitting cooperation—thus this part of the Teaching can be termed. But let us not be concerned if you use the old Greek word Hierarchy… [5]

… But with cooperation, the intensification of energies results in a continuous circuit of sparks, from above downward and from below upward. The dynamo producing this flaming torrent is the heart. It means that above all else, Hierarchy is the Teaching of the Heart… [6]

…. So labor wisely and, accepting the Shield of My Name,

You will conquer all that obstructs the ascent.

This is the advice for immediate application to the work.

And so, precisely and simply I say:

Read and understand simply My Teaching,
without losing the given dates.

My Hand be with you. [7]

He who adheres to the Teaching of Infinity gains freedom of action first of all. He who fears to adhere to the Brotherhood deprives himself of the Highest. He who dreads dogma can strengthen himself in the Teaching as in flight to the far-off worlds… Incessancy of striving affords affirmation of Our Teaching… From Our Abode the threads of Our creativeness are stretched to the hearts, as inspirations to humanity. [8]

… after you understand the different aspects of Our Teaching,
you will walk the broad highway.

Be benevolent not by impulse but by constant striving.

With pure spirit must you work, and all will follow without effort. [9]


… [realise] the Hierarchy of the Heart.

The Teaching will be revealed to those
who have perceived the right path.
The Messenger will knock at their door.


1. Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 110
2. Ibid. § 7
3. Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, The Call § 388
4. Hierarchy § 84
5. Ibid. § 416
6. Ibid. § 448
7. Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, The Call § 390
8. Hierarchy § 29
9. Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, The Call § 149
10. Hierarchy § 460


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One Response to Towards hierarchical Brotherhood

  1. gillchrisnfk says:

    Present day educational systems in the West in particular, tend to focus on developing the mind. Taking the Path requires that the heart is also used. The heart’s use leads to understanding how knowledge can be used wisely for the good of all.

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