A Matrix of the New Culture/Civilization

The main causal energy (heliocentric level) of the Solar Plan[1] prepared by the solar Builders is, especially until 2020, that of the approaching Age of Aquarius, the Sign of cosmic, solar and planetary Brotherhood. Aquarius transmits the 5th Energy or Ray of concrete Science and manifesting force, in this case of the new solar Culture. This sound and background color will lead the Work of the coming years, more than ever focused to build (from the mental plane downward) the new Culture and Civilization, one of the fundamental global Goals for humanity and the heart and specific mission of TPS.

So the Sowing of TPS hopes to follow the seven facets and ramifications of this Aquarian trend to the planetary New Culture and Civilization, one aspect each year, for seven years, thus accentuating for 2016 the second aspect: Love, Space, Field, Expansion, Education. A similar operation was in fact accomplished in the first year (2015) with respect to the Mysteries, the Sound (the Creator aspect of Life) and the first aspect of the new Culture/Civilization: Will, Life, Purpose, Direction, Government.

At the beginning of this second year, the matrix of the Work is presented, a table to trace the outlines of the Future, the warp and weft of the thought-Form of the new Culture/Civilization. In order to well orient this Field, so unknown yet receptive and germinating of all possibilities of evolution, this possible integrated system of Thought is proposed: the septenary Lambdoma or 7×7 matrix of the new planetary Culture and Civilization, which is meant to be sown and nurtured as the “squaring of the circle” of the Future:

In the y-axis are the Seven Directions, Rays or Aspects of any evolutionary Work (here of the new Culture/Civilization, which appears as Idea upstream of the Lambdoma, the 0/0 in harmonic terms); in the x-axis are its possible Seven Sectors (in red) and seven triplets of Verbs to well clarify their type of energy or activity. In the 49 boxes or resulting intersections there is the possible decoding of the associations and combinations between abscissa and ordinate. So for 1/1, as a first example, we have attempted to answer the question:

– “What is the Purpose of the right Government of new Culture/Civilization?” … Being a source of Freedom;

– Or 6/5: “How the Science of the new Culture/Civilization realizes a commonality or a Community?” … Realizing the synthesis of knowledge;

– Or 3/4: “What is the Plan of the Art of the new Culture/Civilization?” … Responding to the creative Laws of Sound.

– Or 4/7: “What is the Model for a right organization of the new Culture/Civilization?” … Conforming human canons to hierarchical ones.

– …

This Soundboard or Harmonic Table, especially for these seven years of work (2015-2021), will guide therefore the sowing in TPS of the Ideas, Formulas and Forms for a new Culture/Civilization, a column or Sector for a year.[2Already many humans contribute, whether they know it or not, to this subjective and objective Sowing aimed at organizing the thought-form of the new Culture/Civilization. This is but a simple attempt to assert the fact that the forces of Good, of Beauty and Truth should increasingly be an organized Unity also in the 3 lower worlds of manifestation (mental, emotional and etheric/physical) and not only in the unitary world of the Heart (Soul).

This requires a Plan and a common base. The Lambdoma of the new Culture/Civilization is such an attempt to formalize them. On closer inspection, each of us (or also each group or project) can indeed recognize his/her/its gift, or unique contribution to the evolutionary advancement of the Planet and its humanity, in one or more ‘boxes’/formulas of the Lambdoma.

Anyone who would then contribute, also expressing their heart thoughts on this common mental construction, is welcome and greeted with identification and gratitude.

This planetary Goal of a new Culture and Civilization is the 5th of Seven main evolutionary Goals in a first human formulation of the planetary Plan of Light and Love which must be worked out by the human centre (see the key textTPS – The Distant Goals – compendium 2017in the Documents page and this introductory article).


[1] Jupiter and Saturn (wich with Sun/Vulcan at the center serve as the “higher Triangle of solar Consciousness”) will join in 2020 in the sign of Aquarius, for the first time since 1404. (See section 5.2 – From Linear to Cyclic Time in the Documents section of TPS and the article Signs of the Heavens 2016 – First Quarter).
[2] From the objective point of view, this will happen mainly for the Italian blog (lacking the time of translating), but the subjective sowing transcends any language. 
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3 Responses to A Matrix of the New Culture/Civilization

  1. Pingback: Setting up a Plan – TPS Blog – English Area

  2. Pingback: The Government of the new Culture and Civilization – TPS Blog – English Area

  3. Nancy C. says:

    Excellent article! We prepare for the future!

    “When the task of Saturn and of Mercury has been accomplished, then during the third decanate, Venus, which is the union of heart and mind, will usher in the long hoped for era of love-wisdom, of brotherhood and of expressed brotherly relationships. Opportunity— Illumination—Brotherhood: these are the gifts that Shamballa is planning to confer upon mankind during the Aquarian Age, if man will but prepare for them, accept them, and use them. Only the future will make clear man’s reaction.” Esoteric Astrology, p. 149 (AAB)

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