Virgo 2021







All the seeds of Fire launched into Space have borne fruit.
The tender sprouts of new thinking grow beneath the sun of the future.
Their energies will renew human Culture.

The sowing time is beautiful.
The harvest time is rich.


I watch over the crops that ripen,
the children that are born, the ideas that arise;
I guide everything to build the New Civilization.




Children, my children!
Go into the world, among men, to bring your gifts.
Within you have the glory of the future for which you were born;
you have the keys to the new culture.
Open all doors, enter all hearts!
Do the Father’s will!


I shine to illuminate the wave that goes, and the one that comes




Seven sounds inspire the Sons of Fire:
the seven sounds of the new harmonies.

Seven substances nourish the Sons of Space:
the seven qualities of life.

Seven lights guide the Sons of Light:
seven flags that will assert themselves.


The seven principles of each culture resurrect in hearts and minds.
I lead my army into battle, and Victory is near.




From a single, eternal Model ever new and different images are born.
They shine with a thousand lights, vibrate with a thousand sounds, perform a thousand tasks.

But one thing unites and certifies them: Beauty.

The beautiful images of the new civilization shine on the works of men.
They are loved, invoked, expected.
They attract their hearts, their eyes, their minds.


I offer the new ideals, different and common.




The new Culture, with its civilizations,
will be one for all mankind, one on the planet.

Yet every man will be free and autonomous,
according to countless spontaneous variants.

Here is the beautiful goal, the future glory.


Here you can see my twofold power,
which launches outside and draws inside.
May all men be One!




A fresh pan-human path springs from the new unitary Culture.
Men come from countless different ways, and they meet in the centre.

How many battles, defeats and victories before this Meeting,
before diversity favours unity!

Everything seemed lost – now everything is possible.
Hatred seemed victorious – now love triumphs.


I love what appears, and I love what is.




The Work is beautiful, but danger undermines it.
The Way is bright, but darkness surrounds it.
Victory is possible, but the Enemy thwarts it.

I watch over the woman in labour, the delivery and the newborn:
these three are a single Being, which is the infinite.

My rule works in the heart of all men and opens all doors.


First the pain, then Joy!







In this solemn year 5.7, which concludes the seven-year period dedicated to the work for the manifestation of a New Culture and a New Civilization, we celebrate the entry into the various zodiac signs with these magnificent Rituals, designed to “unite Spirit and Substance”, complying with the action of the seventh divine energy, and to make the creative Liturgy of the human group and work as effective, rhythmic and harmonious as possible, in accordance with the Planetary and Solar Rituality (see “Asserting the Planetary Plan”).


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