Full Moon of Sagittarius – The Mystery of Direction

Today we celebrate the twelfth of the 12 Festivals of the new world Religion, the Full Moon of Sagittarius, the festival aimed at asserting the

Will to direct to the Truth 

“In studying Sagittarius, it becomes obvious that one of the major underlying themes is that of Direction… This sense of direction or guidance is characteristic of the enlightened man, of the aspirant and disciple, and this is a growing recognition; when this faculty of sensitive direction is rightly developed it becomes, in the early stages, an effort to identify all soul and personality activity with God’s Plan, and this is, in the last analysis, the ordered direction of God’s thought. There is no true direction apart from thought, and I would have you remember that thought is power.” [1]

To see the right direction we need to learn to listen, not only with the physical part of our being, but with our true inner hearing: “Hearing gives him an idea of relative direction, and enables a man to fix his place in the scheme, and to locate himself.”

By learning to recognise his position the aspirant is led to respond to the state of necessity for which he has incarnated; by seeing the Way the adept acquires the power of the fire of Sagittarius, which separates from that which hinders the attainment of the Goal through the discrimination of the 5th Ray, in order to unite with what is common and communal through the 6th Ray, thus manifesting the idea and ideal of Truth, and attain the harmony and beauty of the 4th Ray. In this way one approaches the

Mystery of Direction

To fully grasp this Mystery we must understand that “leadership that endures does not come to those who strive for place and power nor for those who have their eyes only on outward conditions and overlook the underlying causes. Leadership does not come to those who place the personal self and its position and power before the good of the group. It comes enduringly to those who seek nothing for the separated self, to those who lose themselves in the good of the whole.” [2]

Direction for a spiritual Aspirant is not easy to find, we wander in a constant search for truth, but the question is always the same, what truth?

The truth of the absolute is imponderable, the truth of the Monad is still hidden in the higher spheres, the light of the soul begins to manifest its truth and the aspirant struggles to know that truth.

It is precisely Sagittarius that “produces the focussed one-pointed effort of the world aspirant”; esoterically Sagittarius is ruled by Mother Earth, producing the conditions through which, after great battles, the Path comes to glory. [1]

Today, on this Full Moon in which we are immersed in the causal Energies of the Sign of Sagittarius, we impress in Space the

Will to direct to the Truth

Sagittarius must seek the truth! Always, constantly, without ever stopping.

Truth being relative to the seeker’s state of consciousness, each step is consequential to the growth of his causal (higher mental) Consciousness. This quest will never stop for the seeker directed towards light, love and will-to-good. Each truth will lead to ever bigger truths. What effort, what endeavour can be stopped if the one who seeks the light, sees the light in the light?

Truth is the essence of divine Will.

It is the divine Law, and it is the Light
that illuminates the truth within us.

Sagittarius is a fire sign, with Aries and Leo; from Aries comes cosmic fire; from Sagittarius comes planetary fire; and from Leo comes solar fire; and each of these fires “clears the way by burning” for the expression of the three divine aspects: spirit (Aries), soul (Leo) and body (Sagittarius). [1]

Only knowledge of the laws of fire can open the door to truth. As Agni Yoga teaches us, Fire can only be found through the heart, which being threefold – Emotional, Causal and Buddhic – is powerful, intelligent and loving, if listened to, understood and directed towards the Goal.

By learning to discriminate one can attain greater truths: “Verily, only the heart is able to penetrate into all actions, into all motives, into all entities, manifesting discernment. For penetration into the Fiery World, it is especially necessary to discriminate with the heart.” [3]

Starting from the Full Moon of Sagittarius we have 13 steps (12 days + 1 to December 21st) of preparation for the Winter Solstice, as a summary or synthesis of the twelve celebrations that began in Capricorn with the Will to assert the Light supernal, and have arrived to the sign of direction with the aim of consecrating the Will to direct to the Truth. After these twelve sacred days we will be again in Capricorn to sow the goal for next year, 6.2: “Space. Infinity. Bases of the new Religion”.

The thirteenth day (the Solstice) is the new beginning (6+7 or the theosophical addition 1+3=4): the number thirteen is a prime number, therefore it has the power to give life and build other numbers; it is also the sixth in the hierarchy of prime numbers starting from 1, and in this sense it correlates with the 6th sign, Virgo, the birth of the Christ consciousness.

“The Egyptians considered the number 13 to be lucky, 12 were the steps on the ladder leading to eternal life, and only by touching the thirteenth step did one pass into immortality.

The number 13 brings trial, suffering, and symbolises the death of matter, or the end of its form-building cycle, and the birth of the spirit: the passage to a higher level of existence.” [4]

Therefore, it is the entry into the earth (Capricorn is an earth sign), into matter, to close one cycle and begin a new one, to assert a new esoteric beginning, the Capricorn gate, the initiatory gate.

May the light illuminate these thirteen days that bring us closer to the winter solstice. Sagittarius points the way to the Truth, it is up to us to seize this great opportunity.

In Agni Yoga we read: “The Living Ethics contains laws for the manifestation of Truth. Life is affirmed in all the higher concepts; thus, the creativeness of the Living Ethics directs thought to the construction of the essential. All strivings in the name of the Living Ethics will direct thought to future constructiveness. Indeed, not by words but by actions will be molded the steps of the future.” [5]

All the steps of the spiritual ladder must be overcome, one by one.

Every step is distinct from every other, and let each one be better than the preceding one. [6]

The Higher Command is affirmed by passing through all the vital steps with the heart. [7]


Once again I reach the goal, another solar year ends.

What I wanted and set in Capricorn is achieved.

From the infinite Space I have drawn the necessary energies,
and here are the results.

I pick up the arrow shot at the beginning.

But all is not done yet.

From this height I see another goal.

Lord, for the glory of the spiral I ascend to You, and You come to me,

step by step, turn by turn.




[1] Alice Bailey – Esoteric Astrology

[2] Alice Bailey – A Treatise on White Magic

[3] Fiery World III § 101

[4] (Pythagorean Wisdom – Arithmos II by Vincenzo Pisciuneri, only available in Italian).

[5] Fiery World III § 137

[6] Fiery World II § 280

[7] Fiery World III § 208

[8] Excerpts from the Ritual of Sagittarius (in the Book of Rituals).


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One Response to Full Moon of Sagittarius – The Mystery of Direction

  1. mcnamara says:

    Until the point is found in the Great Singularity, I roam. Will to direct to the truth, to the point “atmic” at the Center where the Will of God is found. Through the Model, as given in the Chiron paradigm is it found. This Center is the “absolute unit” .of the universal hologram hermetic, which is the causal point in every point, and as so, is the Whole so known, as there is no part where I am/it is
    not. Each part or piece contains the All in itself, and now this universal Self will become known in every part, as is its hidden genesis in the realization of purpose which God as before patterned in every part to find and become as ONE.

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