Humanity is Will

Today our Earth, from whose Logos we derive life, movement and being, joins, at the incipit of Aquarius, sign of the Server and Service, with Pluto, powerful first-Ray planet, connected to Will and Power.

Pluto is the destroyer of the old forms no longer commensurate with the rising energies and therefore, in the next 20 years in which it transits in Aquarius, the sign of the coming New Age, it will operate as the Agent of the divine Purpose to clear the field of those obsolete mental structures that create, within Humanity, obstacles to the growth of the first sprouts of a new thought that must produce, in the cycle, the emerging of a New Culture and Civilisation.

The Disciples of the World will therefore be called upon to confront, with determination and deference, that aspect of the Will which, by destroying forms, liberates lives and annihilates death.

“This energy of the will is the most potent energy in the whole scheme of planetary existence. It is called the ‘Shamballa Force’, and it is that which holds all things together in life. It is, in reality, life itself. This life force or divine will (implementing divine intention) is that by means of which Sanat Kumara arrives at His goal.” (Alice A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 715)

To claim that Humanity is Will, the energy peculiar to Shamballa, the energy through which the Lord of the World achieves His purpose, seems at first glance disproportionate when one looks at human affairs as they appear through the flood of news that reaches us through the various channels of information. We must then resolve to call upon our subtlest vehicles, so that we may watch and hear the din of the world with the eyes and ears of the heart, through which we may perceive the growing intensity of the invocative strength of Humanity and the power and dignity of this glorious third planetary centre of ours, that fourth creative Hierarchy of human Monads which is called “of the Initiates”.

Let us then, first of all, be reassured by the Master of Agni Yoga who says: There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome by the human will. I do not say this as a consolation, or for encouragement, but as a thing immutable. (…)” (Agni Yoga Series, Agni Yoga § 393)

In fact, knowing that all is One, it is worth remembering that each level of consciousness contains the lower ones and is contained in the higher ones, and therefore Humanity, endowed with the three “periodic vehicles” that make it what it is (Monad, Soul and Personality), is in fact also a participant in the two major planetary centres (Shamballa and Hierarchy), with which it progressively identifies.

Moreover, the Teachings tell us that the Will will only be fully realised in the next solar System, while in the present one its impact is mediated by the energy of Love that this System must achieve, and so it is exciting to think that, by seeking to identify ourselves with that energy, we are already preparing future developments that our minds cannot even imagine.

“Will governs the Way into Shamballa and is the foundation for all approach to, appreciation of and identification with, Being. This developed will expresses itself as tension, esoterically understood. It embodies the ideas of orientation, implacable determination, ability to wait and to preserve intention and orientation unmoved by aught which may occur.”(Alice A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 46)

In the Lambdoma of Ideas/Life we have defined Will as “the Agent of Life” and it is precisely through the reverberation of Will that we are able to distil from our lives that we begin to build the antahkarana bridge that consciously connects first the Personality to the Soul and then the Soul to the Monad.

Today, this conscious work of building and connecting with the divine is being tenaciously carried out by the Disciples of the world who, also spurred on by the approaching hierarchical key date of 2025, are recognising themselves in a single Entity, united in purpose, where the diversity of the modes of operation represent as many luminous paths that lead all Men of Goodwill to the common centre: to universal Brotherhood. Their invocation and fervent commitment also begin to evoke response from that Centre where the Will of God is known, which stimulates the little wills of Men.

Sparks of the divine Will, which the Hierarchy translates into the Plan, are in fact already taking root in the human Centre through the New Group of World Servers, within which, those who have taken upon themselves the honour and the burden, have formulated, in response, a Plan of Love and Light, nourished by their own lives and imprinted in the common consciousness.

According to Esoteric Astrology, the first Ray of Will comes from the star Merak of Ursa Major and flows into our Solar System via three zodiac signs: Aries, Leo and Capricornus.

  • Aries is the constellation through which initiating conditions will stream into our solar System. It embodies the will-to-create that which will express the will-to-good. 
  • Leo is the constellation through which the will-to-fulfilment or to achievement pours into humanity and on to the planet. It is essentially the spirit of self-determination. It is at first the determination of the little self, the personality, the self-conscious individual. It is next the determination of the Self, the soul, the group conscious individual, aware of the greater Whole and of itself as the part, integrated and basically at-one. [It is] the will-to-good, demonstrated [in the initiatory processes].
  • Capricorn is the constellation by means of which comes the conquering will which releases from form life and initiates the man into the kingdom wherein the will aspect (not the soul aspect) of divinity expresses itself. 

In short: Aries, the Initiator, Leo, the Self, and Capricorn, the transfiguring Agent. (Excerpts fromEsoteric Astrology by A. A. Bailey, p. 620/621)

This ternary of zodiacal energies of great power configures the path that leads individuals, groups and the whole of Humanity to Initiation and to the Mysteries.

“The Mysteries are inseparable from the Will, that is, from Power. They confer power because they teach how to use the Will. Conversely, the candidate qualifies as such precisely when he begins to understand its mystery. The crossing of the Threshold is accomplished through an act of one’s own Will, not because dragged by a benevolent superior force. On that border, forces are sublimated into energies, and this implies the abandonment of desire as a driving force, replaced by free responsible will… How to teach the student the difference between a vague aspiration, however sincere, and the use of Will? How to put in his hands the key to that Door that simple desire is unable to unlock? At that juncture, when the disciple is almost ready, the ability of the Master is revealed, and He is called to give the best of Himself. He must lead the student from the semiconscious use of desire, which acts only in the world of becoming, to the practical exercising of the Will, which lives in the world of being. This is done on the Threshold, where the student pauses until he has learned. The lesson is fundamental, but is expressed in just a few words: Not my will, but Yours be done”.(Enzio Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. Mysteries, unpublished paper, June 2001)

 And furthermore:

“(…) It is also said that man succeeds when he fuses with the Higher Will. People assume that the power of their Teacher is limited, but each Teacher has his own Teacher, and the Higher Will is the harmony of many consciousnesses. When We say, “Let us build the future,” We mean that your will should be harmonized with Ours. Even the loftiest structure can fall when the earthly will tries to damage the foundation! (…) The Teacher can create a better future, but the disciple must realize and accept it. (…) (Agni Yoga Series, Supermundane § 185)

As the Teachings say, “the Kingdom of Heaven must be taken by force”: at first the force of Desire, then that of Aspiration, and finally that of Will, the energy which the Master of Agni Yoga calls “the string of the bow of consciousness”. And the path is always the same, at all levels: the Greater grows while the lesser wanes, identifying itself with That. Thus, in an incredibly simple way, though apparently not easy, the process of evolution is accomplished and one is admitted into the great Service, which presupposes the courage to work creatively for the Infinite, in the joy of self-sacrifice: “Thy will be done!”.

Then the bond with the Hierarchy becomes indissoluble, and the door of the Fiery World of Initiation opens upon the impetus of the Will-to-Good of the World Server, who consciously goes to occupy that ‘place of fire’ at the summit of the great Pyramid, where Heaven and Earth, solar and human powers connect and the Union is affirmed.

We can then assert, with clear consciousness, that Humanity is Will.

“(…) Cosmos and our will symbolize the assertion of Be-ness. And the freedom of will is but a great possibility for the manifestation of the human spirit. When the Fire of Space directs the consciousness to the Infinite, then the rushing stream of energy is intensified. When isolation will cease, then the fusion will direct toward Infinity. In all Space there is one pulse, and the Law of Cosmos is one for all that exists. Creation is designated for all affirmed lives and for all Space.
The far-off worlds are our manifested path. The far-off worlds are our enlightenment. The far-off worlds are our vistas of the mighty vision of the Mother of the World. The human spirit seeking expansion finds the manifested far-off worlds. Let us say that the unattainable may become attainable and that privation may become wealth. Therefore, let us direct our will to Infinity, in all its beauty.” (Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 61)


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