This mighty solstice in Capricorn opens the gate of an initiatory year for Humanity and first and foremost for the Disciples of the world who have knowledge of it because, as we know from the texts of the Teachings of the Tibetan Master, it coincides with the Conclave of the Hierarchy which takes place in the twenty-fifth year of each century. In the course of this august symposium, the general state of human consciousness will be evaluated, among other things – and it is likely to be particularly so on this occasion – in order to ascertain whether the conditions are in place for the externalisation of the Masters within Humanity, a prodrome of the return of the Christ, awaited, under various names, by all peoples.
It is, therefore, a time of expectation and the hearts of all Men of Goodwill are uniting to invoke the Light of the One who is coming (and who, incidentally, has never left us): the great Master, the hope of the world, the One who will inaugurate the age of Aquarius and towards whom the One Humanity must go forth, holding high its light.
It is also worth noting that this hierarchical Conclave, as we know, coincides with the Jubilee, the holy year that the Catholic Church celebrates every quarter of a century, and therefore the invocative vortex that is already rising within Humanity will be further strengthened by this circumstance.
In short, we can say that, perhaps for the first time in history, the demand of the peoples of the Earth is so unified and conscious that, by way of energy compensation, it can only be answered at the right time of the cycle, as it has always been the case.
“Prayer always is answered and always has been; great Sons of God have ever come on humanity’s demand and always will, and He for Whom all men wait today is on His way.” (A. A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 35)
In this chaotic time of transition, while wars are being fought that touch on long-standing karmic knots and cause horrific humanitarian disasters and high tensions that have little hope of being resolved, while the international balance of power, the world economy and the planet’s climate are changing, while walls and ghettos are being erected, those who have ears to hear can perceive, beyond those terrible background noises, the subtle sound of the seeds of the new era that are beginning, unnoticed by most, to germinate: The new will come!
It is, moreover, a fact that the New Group of World Servers, activated and impelled by this expectation, is already recognising and assuming its function and responsibility as an intermediary between Hierarchy and Humanity, compacting itself rapidly by telepathic means and that, thanks to the means of communication which link all of us instantaneously in every part of the globe, it is able to formulate common actions to intensify the invocative power. And let us remember, in this connection, that the Disciples of the world, in order to support common action, also have at their disposal the Great Invocation given to Humanity by the Tibetan Master, which is a veritable instrument of power for the activity of service, especially when utilised at discontinuous times of all cycles and on the dates of particular celestial events, when channels are opened to the stellar energies.
Long ago the bell calling to action began to ring and now its beat is quickening and becoming louder and clearer. In response, the Group of planetary Servers, like a Magnet, attracts by subtle ways, ordering them into a harmonious and functional whole in imitation of the Hierarchy, also the efforts of all Men of Goodwill working for the Common Good in the various fields: from science to religion, from politics to economics, from art to ecology and the respect for the planet, from education to assistance to those who suffer:
“It is a time for heroes, when flames unite.”
For those who follow the steps of the Table of the Plan intuited for Humanity, the year that is now beginning, the fourth and central year of the sixth septennium, dedicated to the New World Religion, is coloured by the relationship between the energies of the Sixth and Fourth Ray and its Goal, which must be received and filled with meaning, reads:
Religiosity and intelligent Communion of Art
The word Religiousness has been defined in the TPS Glossary as: “the aptitude to grasp the bond with the divine” and Communion as: “exchange in the unity of Being”, while Intelligence is referred to as: “the faculty of connecting and activating relationships”.
In short, already from the title of the Goal we understand that this really is the right time to intelligently build bridges, relationships, exchanges, using the rule of Harmony, which is identified as “perfect concordance”: as above so below, to accomplish the miracle of the one thing. And Art is certainly a suitable medium to demonstrate this truth.
The graphic symbol that has been intuited to connote this annual cycle evokes the harmonic exchanges that develop, like precise tracings of a compass, around a centre, composing trails and flowers of fire, and thus affirming the power of Beauty:
Its seed reads:
“Many comets are dashing in Space, some cold, others fiery. They come from remote distances and hurl themselves to the Infinite.
All depart from a single Source to which all return.
I look at their motions, which seem to diverge in the maximum contrast yet in reality they are concurrent and announce the union.”
Excerpts are quoted from the Commentary to Goal 6.4:
“As soon as one speaks of Art, the great significance acquired by this concept over millennia and the value of its manifestations awaken reflection. Humanity has always loved Art, even in those recurrent periods, like the present, which no longer know what it is and do not produce it. When the Muses circulate among them, human beings perceive their superior energy and cultivate it; when they retreat to their Heavens, human beings feel bereft and bleak.
The Greeks, we know, recognized and named them. The Muses come and go, sing and dance and are living rhythms and all peoples honor them, as a scent and balm of existence. Some social experiments, ancient and modern, pretended to forget them or wanted them domesticated and chained, but failed and they fell into sadness.
Man cannot survive without Art, even though he has not yet fully understood its nature and Law. Indeed, how can the Infinite be exhausted? When everything collapses or ruins, and nothing is left to save him from barbarism, Art continues to bear witness to those values that he wanted to tear down and denigrate. Although misunderstood, although inactive and somehow alien to the world of cold reason, Art attracts him and guides him along its mysterious paths. Art is born in the heart and protects man from the disasters occasioned by his brain.”
“What the ONE wills and the TWO loves and the THREE plans is reflected by the FOUR, and it is Art. It is the Art of living, the highest art of all. Man is called to make a work of Art of his existence, in the broadest and most complete liberty. As it flows from the Centre, it involves and transforms every action and is present and active in all approaches. Real Science (today still unknown) is not foreign to art. Nor is philosophy, religion nor even politics or economics, nor even love, which includes and reveals all and is the most faithful companion of the Artist.”
“Art is therefore the great hope for the harmonious union of the human race and between this and the other kingdoms of nature. What was never achieved with weapons, the goal not reached by fighting religions, the missed objective of all kinds of ideologies, will be reached by Art and secret Muses who inhabit the spaces and treasure their immensity.
Such is the field of operation of the Vertex 6.4, who administers this beneficent energy. Its vastness may seem dizzying, but Art takes no thought for quantity, granted that great and small do not resist its light. Nor do the distinctions created by man remain, vain shadows on shadow.” (Enzio Savoini, The Distant Goals)
The year 2025 also marks the beginning of the gradual resurgence of the Fourth Ray and the psychic atmosphere of the planet will therefore begin to register its effects, albeit very slowly at first. This thought, however, gives us hope that, in the relatively near future, Art will begin to be reborn in all its forms, not only in the production of ever more refined and ‘subtle’ works of beauty, but also as a quest for Beauty and Harmony in relations between peoples and as an Art of living, ushering in a true spiritual Renaissance.
It should also be considered that this ‘special’ year, marked by the relationship between the energies of the sixth and fourth rays, particularly calls into question the Italian nation, which, according to the Tibetan Master’s Teaching, expresses precisely the sixth ray at the soul level and the fourth through its personality. Furthermore, Neptune, the great Lord of the sixth Ray, whose cycle around the Zodiac lasts about 164 years, will celebrate its birthday by returning to its position in the horoscope of the Unification of Italy (17 March 1861) See: ‘The Seven Steps towards 2025’.
If we then observe the geographic conformation of our Country, we note that it evokes the image of a long bridge stretched between Europe and Africa, in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, that great and splendid ‘lake’ onto which, as if in an embrace, look out many countries where the founding Cultures and Civilisations for this part of the world were born and developed, schools of thought, art, esoteric traditions, rituals, monotheistic religions, scientific and mathematical discoveries, astrology, astronomy, and where the very ability of initiating relationships, exchanges (and even battles!) and the aptitude to grasp links with the divine, as the title of the Goal suggests.
Consequently, this people that was once of ‘saints, artists and explorers’, is particularly called upon, together with others who share its energies, to take the lead in promoting that Harmony conveyed by a strong and luminous thought, charged with psychic energy that is the true counterbalance to disorder and wars that, as Pope Francis says, are always sure defeats for all belligerent parties.
In this time of opposing ‘blocs’, rivalries involve all the ‘powers’ of the world, and yet, spread throughout each nation but firmly united, the Lightworkers are growing in number and capacity. The planetary Server and the Guardian of the Threshold therefore stand facing each other and begin to recognise each other’s strengths. The Guardian appears ‘fearful and mighty’, the Server seems frail and defenceless, but it is not so, for his conscious determination grows and shines forth, and when the hour comes, the Forces of Light will take the field and entry the fray at his side and another level of the common consciousness will be attained.
Finally, let us recall the thought that will inwardly govern the mind and heart of the planetary Disciple during the year we are inaugurating and that will sustain him in his service:
I guide back to the Culture of Heaven
Heaven is the world of causes and is the basis of the new World Religion, the central Goal of this septennium of the Plan. It is the seat of all questions and all answers; it is the Master and the supreme Model and it is the common Home.
“The new religion worships on the inside the outer Heaven.
The Sky populated with stars.
The smiling Sky of the morning and of the evening.
The Sky illuminated by the Sun.
The new religion contemplates the Heaven in everything,
and works and disposes according to its Law.
The new religion is for all human beings of the new Era.”
(Book of Rituals 1992, E. Savoini)
Therefore, in this hierarchical year 2025, which opens anew for the Disciples of the World with a unifying global silence, may the power of human invocation, of unified tension, of harmonious ordering in coherence with the Hierarchy be increased and may the foundation stone of the new World be laid in situ: the understanding of Beauty.
“In the sacred evening of the Greatest Holy Day,
In the Name of the Universal Symbol, I say to you:
You have been admitted to the task of building the New World.
I say to you: Strengthen your eyes, that you be not blinded
when I raise the hem of the veil of the Future.”
(Leaves of Morya’s Garden I § 428)
It is important to remember that fear might be engendered at this time, but that it would hamper progress.