2025 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides

For the Great Year 2025 we will continue to celebrate, as in previous years, the Passages of Sign and the New Moon and Full Moon phases with a common Ritual online, at the following direct link on Zoom>>>> on the following dates:

see and download the program here with the related link>>>.

Also, here is the document

2025 Solar Rituality and Ephemerides


2025 is an initiatory year for Humanity and the Planet, as indicated by the esoteric Teaching, and which corresponds, in the first human formulation of the 49-Goals Planetary Plan[1], to the evolutionary step and Goal 6.4 – Religiosity and intelligent communion of Art:

The 6.4 Interval teaches that the universal Unity and Brotherhood (6), primary Ideas of the Age of the Water Bearer (and beyond), are realized through the Beauty and Harmony of the Hierarchy of Masters and the Muses of the celestial Olympus (4).

The ever more harmonious relationship between Hierarchy and Humanity, between planetary Heart and Throat, has a Master Way to be realised – the power of Beauty, ‘the sign of union’, and its expression, the Art of Living.

Not Beauty, but the understanding of Beauty will save the world.

We have therefore dedicated the internal and external Sowing to the imitation of the superior hierarchical Model, to the Beauty of Being which translates into the Art of living.

From: A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 214

Beauty, that central Truth or Idea whose splendour attracts and gathers around Its fire every thing or being, must be understood through the human Heart and Mind so that it may be poured forth as a saving force upon the Planet. The Beauty of Creation and of the Orders of Creators, the Universal Hierarchy, must be understood and realised in Group Consciousness, chanted in chorus by the Planetary Server, so that its power of Liberation may reach all kingdoms of nature.

From the planetary Ajna Centre (the Group of World Servers), the fusion of the planetary Heart and Throat Centres, springs the vision and the resolving ray of the Beautiful, the Good and the True: the Art of Living.

One fine day, the hierarchical Humanity will shine forth, as the Work of Art of the Blue Planet, ruling the evolutionary advance in Harmony and Wisdom, working out the Plan of Love and Light on Earth.

As one planetary Server, as a Prototype for a Planetary Order, let us therefore prepare a fiery Chalice of Will, Love and Light, a unified invocation to the Good, the Beautiful and the True of the Olympus of Ideas, certain of the Victory of our Christic Spirit, fusing in Harmony Heaven and Earth. (See  The Subjective Work of the Planetary Order Prototype). 

Who is well oriented is the Way.”

[1] Goals deduced from the Occult Teachings and predicted for the evolutionary and conscious advancement of humanity and the planet in the current third millennium; each year therefore corresponds to the attestation of the corresponding Goal and its sowing into the consciousness of the human Group. (See the texts Asserting the Planetary Plan and the Seven Steps towards the summit of 2025).


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