Jupiter-Uranus conjunction: the Central Human Presence

Space has always been a source of light, that light which dispels all darkness and which, as an image of the creative power of the Magnet, with its arabesques traces the geometrical lines of the future.
Today (1) the spatial substance of the solar system trembles and vibrates for the heliocentric meeting, in the Sign of Taurus, of two luminous fires: Jupiter and Uranus, Lords and Masters of Love, the ‘universal Motive’, and of Order, the ‘rhythmic Principle of Life’, fuse their energies which, like a magnetic wave, are poured into the hearts of those who raise their loving eyes to Heaven.
Jupiter and Uranus—planets of beneficent consummation. The second ray of love and the seventh ray which fuses spirit and matter ‘to the ultimate glory’ of the solar Logos are in the fullest eventual cooperation.” (2)

[Watch this video held on March, 12:
Towards the beneficent fulfillment of the New Group of World Servers]

The solar Space lights up with renewed splendour as Jupiter and Uranus are the esoteric and exoteric Rulers of Aquarius, the Sign of that Brotherhood, horizontal and vertical, which innervates every atom of the universe and which governs the Centre of the planetary Heart, the Hierarchy; by virtue of this impulse the divine seed that dwells in every living being awakens and becomes a pulsating promise of Union and Harmony.
“When (as is now the case) the influence of Uranus is added to the other influences and the seventh ray is at the same time entering into a major cycle of activity on the Earth, there is then present the energy needed to precipitate the crisis of initiation and produce a great rhythmic awakening [in Humanity].(3)

From the first sector of Aquarius today also emanates heliocentrically the joint power of Venus, Mars and Pluto, which, immersed in the ‘electric’ waters of the Sign, cause a spring of Life to gush forth, guiding Humanity to regeneration, resonating with and propagating the initiatory conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn engraved in the same celestial point on 2 November 2020 (for the first time in the sign of the New Age since the 15th century).

Jupiter and Uranus are also involved in the crowning of that initiatory path that leads to Mastery, the seal of lives consecrated to that Perfect Love that liberates: “At the fifth and final initiation, Uranus and Jupiter appear and produce a ‘beneficent organisation’ of the totality of energies found in the initiate’s equipment. When this reorganisation is complete, the initiate can then ‘escape from off the wheel and then can truly live’.” (4)
The Sign of Taurus, which welcomes them (5), is ultimately the immaculate forge where the ardour that leads to the far-off worlds blazes, strengthened by an ever-sharper vision and propelled by the relentless advance towards the final Glory.

Christ in us, certainty of Glory!

Here is the song of the warriors of Light who fight for the common Good, here is the yearning that supports all consciousnesses, here is the firm anchor that unites heart to heart.
And in this fraternal chain that connects Heaven and Earth each one has his place, his task and his responsibility.
Humanity, though immersed in the fogging coils of desire, yearns for a clear gaze into the infinity of space that is also a guarantee of its future.

The Hierarchy, reaching out to Earth with a vibrant embrace, sustains and urges mankind to free itself from the yoke of materialism that clouds and dulls that yearning and that gaze.
At the centre of this loving tension is the Central Human Presence*, guardian of the focal Centre, imbued with will, love and understanding, source of the One Humanity as planetary Server, kindled by the fire of synthesis and sacrifice, bearer of the torch of Beauty, certain that the lines of the future, in the image of the celestial Model, may be traced with clear eyes and pure heart.
“Those who will make the sacrifice and forget themselves will look to Heaven, will be able to design, at the right time, the new social structures, still incomplete, still correctable, with hierarchical help. This work involves discontinuous contact with the Superior, and consequently continuous listening.(6)

Jupiter and Uranus nourish this impulse towards the heights of the spirit and at the same time bless the sacrifice of those who are crucified in imitation of the Great Master.
Their energy well sees the interweaving of flames tending towards Union, fusion and fulfilment; Jupiter ‘the Logos, the Word of the sun’ and Uranus ‘He who sees the end from the beginning’ are thus the gates that introduce the disciple where the ‘Life more abundant’ flows and consecrate him, as a member of the Central Human Presence, Server of Humanity.
“There is a symbol which flashes out from the heart of all who serve their fellowmen for which we look at times; when found, it indicates a world server. (7)

May this symbol radiate from everyone’s heart
and bear engraved the words of the infinite Work
“Here and everywhere, now and always”.



* “There exists, at the fiery centre of Humanity, a central human Presence made up of those who have vowed and will vow to occupy the place of Fire, consecrating their lives to that lofty function. This human Stronghold operates inwardly where solar and human powers can meet to collaborate on planetary development plans.
The members of that inner group are a unity operating at a subtle level, in the place of the highest sacrifice, they are the “Summit of the pyramid”; in most cases they do not know each other personally but recognise each other in their work. They are agents of the energy of Life, of Will, they are the reflection of the real Government that bestows Freedom. They are the link for the energies of Shamballa which are already beginning to flow directly into the human Centre and thus resonate with the Summit of the Hierarchy.
Around this central Magnet the planetary Order, which has been addressed many times in these pages, naturally forms: it is the Group of the One Humanity …”
1. Today, 14 March 2024, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct heliocentrically in the 6th sector of the Sign of Taurus. Their geocentric conjunction will culminate on 21 April 2024.
2. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 201
3. Ibid., p. 447
4. Ibid., p. 71
5. From an astrological point of view, Uranus is in fall in the Sign of Taurus; this means, esoterically, that “Uranus, hidden in the depths, is to awaken and evoke the intuitive response of Taurus to an ever-increasing light until such time that full illumination is achieved and also the development of the spiritual consciousness—substituting these higher soul aspects for the lower form reactions.” (Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 401)
6. E. Savoini, Lecture notes of the 3rd Septennium. The good crucifix, 2004, unpublished paper
7. Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 571


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2 Responses to Jupiter-Uranus conjunction: the Central Human Presence

  1. Debra Oliver says:

    Thank you for this scintillating article.

  2. Debra Oliver says:

    Thank you for this scintillating article!

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