Relationship between Hierarchy and Humanity

Today we celebrate the Festival of Humanity or the Festival of the Christ, at the Full Moon of Gemini, the culminating event of the year dedicated to the Christic energy (Buddhi = Love-Wisdom) and to the spirit of humanity which aspires to God and seeks to conform to His Will. A date that honours Christ as the Initiator of humanity and celebrates the potential of mankind to shine forth the Light of the Intellect of Love, propelled by the Will-to-Good.

This event, a creative summit in itself, sees Hierarchy and Humanity, the magnetic and radiant Heart Centre and the Throat Centre of the planet, expressions of divine Love and divine Intelligence, strengthening Their relationship to re-establish the divine Plan on Earth according to the divine planetary Will.

All hearts and pioneers of the new world, stimulated by this event, respond to this great opportunity and, with joy and spiritual determination, join with all those in all times and places who are working to re-establish the Plan of Love and Light on Earth, to realise the One Work in tune with the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet and to advance along the ladder of evolution as a new human Order.

“… Those spirits that advance by way of interweaving are so harmonized that they manifest an analogy which creates the highest and purest harmonies. The creativeness of the spirits on the planet will be revealed as a new chord created by this harmonization. These harmonies are very beautiful, since they are related to the harmonies of the higher spheres.” [1]

A great choral symphony rises up from Earth to Heaven invoking new chords; the Great Ones, evoking, respond by flooding the Earth with new creative impulses. This is the esoteric impulse behind the Festival of the One Humanity in Gemini and it is also one of the reasons why the world Invocation Day is celebrated on this day, precisely to send an appeal and urge the widest possible use of the ‘Great Invocation’, referred to as the new ‘Our Father’ of the Age of Aquarius.

In order to nourish such an inner, solemn and liturgical rite, and to build the bridge between Hierarchy and Humanity, we quote a few excerpts from the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom:

“The World Teacher is that Great Being Whom the Christian calls the Christ; He is known also in the Orient as the Bodhisattva, and as the Lord Maitreya, and is the One looked for by the devout Mohammedan, under the name of the Imam Mahdi. He it is Who has presided over the destinies of life since about 600 B.C. and He it is Who has come out among men before, and Who is again looked for. He is the great Lord of Love and of Compassion, just as his predecessor, the Buddha, was the Lord of Wisdom. Through Him flows the energy of the second aspect, reaching Him direct from the heart centre of the Planetary Logos via the heart of Sanat Kumara. He works by means of a meditation centred within the heart. He is the World Teacher, the Master of the Masters, and the Instructor of the Angels, and to Him is committed the guidance of the spiritual destinies of men, and the development of the realisation within each human being that he is a child of God and a son of the Most High. Just as the Manu [the ideal thinker] is occupied with the providing of the type and forms through which consciousness can evolve and gather experience, thus making existence in its deepest sense possible, so the World Teacher directs that indwelling consciousness in its life or spirit aspect, seeking to energise it within the form so that, in due course of time, that form can be discarded and the liberated spirit return whence it came… Daily He pours out His blessing on the world, and daily He stands under the great pine in His garden at the sunset hour with hands uplifted in blessing over all those who truly and earnestly seek to aspire. To Him all seekers are known, and, though they may remain unaware of Him, the light which He pours forth stimulates their desire, fosters the spark of struggling life and spurs on the aspirant until the momentous day dawns when they stand face to face with the One Who by being “lifted up” (occultly understood) is drawing all men unto Himself as the Initiator of the sacred mysteries.” [2]

The appeal of Christ’s words, “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free”, urges the disciples to advance into the light, to cross the portal of initiation and to continue on the path that “shines ever more brightly until the perfect day”.

“[Man] is created to receive impression and… he possesses a mechanism of response to all the facets of the divine expression in manifestation. It is for that reason that the truly illumined man and all who have taken the three highest initiations are always referred to as “the diamond souled”; they, in their totality constitute the “jewel in the lotus”—that twelve-petalled lotus which is the symbol and expression of the potency of the planetary Logos… The Science of Impression [Science of the creation of thought-forms, their vivification and direction] is in reality the technique whereby Humanity has been taught by the Spiritual Hierarchy from the moment of its first appearance upon Earth; it is the technique which all disciples have to learn [it’s the key to all the work]… and it is also the sublime art which every Master practises on inspiration from Shamballa; it is a technique which is implemented by the Will, and its consummation is the complete assimilation of the “little wills of men” into the divine Purpose; it is the acceptance on their part of the promotion of that Purpose through right impression on all forms of life at any particular point of evolution. Disciples then become agents of the divine will and are entrusted with the direction of energies, with the plan and with the secrets and the inspiration which are hidden in the Mind of God.” [3]

Through the application of the Science of Impression, therefore, Humanity will be able to establish an ever stronger and more conscious relationship between the planetary Centres (Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity); the invocation which Humanity raises to the Heavens has its symmetrical response in the evocation of the energy of Love and Wisdom, and the Christ, acting lovingly as an intermediary, is preparing to strengthen the bonds between Humanity and Hierarchy for the full manifestation of their soul Brotherhood.

“On this festival [the Full Moon of Gemini], for two thousand years, the Christ has represented humanity and has stood before the Hierarchy and in the sight of Shamballa as the God-Man, the Leader of His people and “the Eldest in a great family of brothers” (Romans VIII:29). Each year at that time He has preached the last sermon of the Buddha before the assembled Hierarchy. This will therefore be a festival of deep invocation and appeal, of a basic aspiration towards fellowship, of human and spiritual unity, and will represent the effect in the human consciousness of the work of the Buddha and of the Christ.” [4]

“Through the Christ and the Buddha, humanity can now establish a close relationship with Shamballa and then make its own contribution—as a world centre—to the planetary life. Pervaded by light and controlled by the Spirit of Peace, the expression of humanity’s will-to-good can emanate powerfully from this third planetary centre. Humanity will then for the first time enter upon its destined task as the intelligent, loving intermediary between the higher states of planetary consciousness, the super-human states and the sub-human kingdoms. Thus humanity will become eventually the planetary saviour.” [5]

The New Group of World Servers is the intermediary between Humanity and the Hierarchy. “The Hierarchy is struggling hard with the so-called “forces of evil”, and the New Group of World Servers is the instrument, at this time, upon the physical plane, with which the Hierarchy has to work.  They have no other instrument.” [6]

From: A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 214

At the Gemini Full Moon, therefore, the Group of World Servers, the planetary Server, the golden section between Hierarchy and Humanity (Sun and Earth) aligned with the Direction (Sun-Earth-Moon), with the Christ in its heart and in connection with the Plan of the Great Beings, realises within itself the perfect Unity and Communion between Spirit/Sun and Matter/Moon, and radiates into the human Consciousness the liberating Light of a unifying perspective.

For this reason, never before has it been more urgent than today to strive to inaugurate the new world order, to assert the fundamental inner Unity and Communion on the eve of 2025, the year in which the New Group of World Servers will have to stand side by side with the Hierarchy as one Entity to ensure the continuity of consciousness between Hierarchy and Humanity and to serve the one Purpose.

“The function of the New Group of World Servers is dynamically to “force” the energy of the will-to-good into the world; the average man and woman, responding unconsciously, will express goodwill.” [7]

“The appearance of this group on Earth at this time is one of the indications of the success of the evolutionary process, as applied to humanity. This method of work—the use of human beings as agents to carry forward the work of salvation and of world uplift—was initiated by the Christ Himself; He worked with men very frequently through others, reaching humanity through the medium of His twelve Apostles… In the age into which we are now emerging, the Aquarian Age, this mode of group work will reach a very high point of development, and the world will be saved and reconstructed by groups far more than by individuals. In the past we have had world saviours—Sons of God Who have given to men a message which brought an increase of light to the people. Now, in the fullness of time, and through the processes of evolution, there is emerging a group who will bring salvation to the world and who (embodying group ideas and emphasising the true meaning of the Church of Christ) will so stimulate and energise the minds and souls of men that the new age will be ushered in by an outpouring of the Love, Knowledge and Harmony of God Himself, as well as by the reappearance of the Christ in Whom all these three faculties of divinity will be embodied.” [8]

For some time now, the solar Plan of evolution has been directing the Earth on its path leading Humanity to take the necessary steps to re-establish right human relations, the prodrome of Brotherhood.

It is therefore up to us to make ourselves consciously sensitive and responsive to those salient moments in the annual cycle when spiritual energies are available in an abundant and life-giving way, when the Light and energy of Restoration, Enlightenment and Reconstruction triumph:

“… and you will find the future emphasis laid throughout the world upon the Easter Festival, the Festival of the Risen Christ; upon the Wesak Festival, the Festival of the Buddha or of Illumination; and the June Full Moon, the Festival of Unification carried forward by the Christ…

The energy of restoration, at the time of the April Full Moon

The energy of enlightenment, at the time of the Wesak or May Full Moon

The energy of reconstruction, at the time of the June Full Moon.” [9]

“The Hierarchy stands, immovable in its spiritual strength, steadily oriented towards world salvation, and acting ever under the direction of that great divine yet human Leader, the Christ. The Christ has passed through all human experiences, and has never left us; with His disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, He is drawing closer to humanity decade after decade; when He said at the Ascension Initiation, “Lo, I am with you always even until the end of the age”, He meant no vague or general idea of helping humanity from some distant locality called “the Throne of God in Heaven”. He meant just what He said—that He was staying with us…

Therefore, my brothers, believe in the reality of the work to be done by these great spiritual Potencies, invoked during the three Full Moons of April, May and June. Go forth to the task of helping humanity, of establishing goodwill, of bringing about right human relations and of restoring a true spiritual perspective, with undaunted courage, sure faith and the firm conviction that mankind is not alone. May the blessing of the Christ and of the Hierarchy rest upon all true servers and may they stand tranquil in the midst of strife.” [10]

Through love let it enlighten you.

Love and Lightning do I manifest.

Let Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth**

[1] Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 180
[2] A. A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, p. 44
[3] A. A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, pp. 90-91
[4] A. A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 421
[5] Ibidem, p. 163
[6] A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p. 630
[7] A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 38
[8] A. A. Bailey, The Reappearance of the Christ, pp. 181-182
[9] A.A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 402 – 484
[10] Ibidem, p. 487-8
* Agni Yoga Series, Leaves of Morya’s Garden – The Call § 152
** The Great Invocation


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2 Responses to Relationship between Hierarchy and Humanity

  1. tom mcnamara says:

    Is here now in the flesh, not somewhere else. Does bring the solution, the hidden and now revealed Great Singularity which answers all mysteries and fuses all Love in the Will of God in the Mind of Man…and answers all questions….and waits for you to ask….

  2. Nancy Connally says:

    A wonderful sharing today! Gratitude. Just to add a bit more:

    Dear Friends: Sharing this in celebration of World Invocation Day, the Festival of Humanity.

    Our Part in Assisting with the Manifestation of the Purpose of God

    The meaning of life is affirmed in the human consciousness when the understanding of man’s role in the Cosmos is revealed.*

    On this World Invocation Day, as we prepare for 2025 and the awaited Reappearance of the Christ, known as The Buddha Maitreya, we await the message that will be brought forth for all of humanity as to our Essential Identification, that which binds us all together. Over recent decades, the human mind has been connected by means of all kinds of modern communication devices. Perhaps, as prophecy foretells, the hearts of Humanity will finally become One.

    We can ponder how Humanity would respond to learning that the meaning of human life is so much more than is generally recognized. What truth could be so profound that once understood and accepted, would change our minds and hearts and views on how we respond to each other and to all life on Earth in every Kingdom of Nature. We would be able to realize that just as we are all connected with our earth, so too are we connected with our Solar System and Cosmic Galaxy — indeed with all manifested existence up to and including the One Life that created it, and whose presence, light and love are contained within every particle of the substance of that creation, and yet lies outside of its creation as well.

    In order for the Purpose of God to be realized, humanity is needed for its eventual fruition. Looking at the present condition of earth, it is evident that we are certainly not yet perfected Beings, although they do exist and have come to earth age after age to bring that which is needed to help move this planet and its evolution forward. Humanity needs to realize that every genuine appearance sent by God since the earth was created, had a message and brought forth Love, and Light, in a form suited to human consciousness in their time.

    As for our understanding of the imparted experience, there is no right or wrong message, nor do the different philosophies or religions contradict each other in their true meaning. Rather it is only the perception by human minds and emotions that has caused barriers to understanding. Now that human beings are beginning in large numbers to be in touch with their higher natures and have the developed intellect for most who understand some science and the nature of energy, and can see the pictures of space which show no dividing lines exist — they are ready to hear why they were created.

    Christ may be coming to inform us that our place within the Whole is to be a bridge between spirit and matter, that bridge was formed on the mental plane and is known by us as the Soul. And the Soul began its task of perfecting all three of its lower forms — human minds, emotions and physical bodies — so that this triple lower nature could eventually reach union with it. Once that union has been achieved, the Spirit can work through that blended human-soul, to take the needed steps to reach subsequent Union, in stage after stage until finally, Union with the One Life or God takes place. This momentous event allows humanity to experience the recognition of its true Identity: that now and always has comprised part of that One Life, working incarnation after incarnation through a human form to assist all others in recognizing the Truth of each experience. This happens in sequential stages until the final Union with the One Life: “I am That I am”. And at each step along the way, all That has become evident through experience will be shared with those who can be reached.

    The road to this Union is a very long one, but one that must be trod by each of us in time and space, if the Divine Purpose of our existence is to become fulfilled. Essentially, to purify ourselves and to help all others do so as well, until the earth has become a perfect part of the Planetary, Solar, and Cosmic mechanism, for which we — as Humanity — were destined to accomplish. The eventual Divine Manifestation of God requires that this occur. It seems that our Planetary Logos and Solar Logos have some cleaning up to do, through the perfection of Humanity itself. Ancient scriptures allude to the fact that human beings were created in the image of God. It is now up to us to see and cooperate with that image’s growth and eventual perfect expression.

    Many Teachings have alluded to the earth as being an imperfect planet, and that we in human form were sent here to help clear it up. The Earth is the turning point for the At-One-Ment of Spirit and Matter for our Planet, and Our Solar Logos is the turning point for the At-One-Ment of Spirit and Matter in the Cosmos.

    Astonishing to think that such small beings in the larger picture such as a planet and a Sun could have such a drastic effect on the Whole, unless one considers that a human being can have many difficulties throughout his or her individual system, which for example can be healed using the Science of Acupuncture to treat the source of the problem. One small tiny spot of dysfunction can cause disruption within the whole system.

    Christ is coming to lay the groundwork for what needs to be done, in the same way the star Sirius is affecting its embodied expression as a cosmic initiate. This initiatory process applies also to our Solar Logos and demonstrates the great assistance that the Law of Karma, or cause and effect, is having and will have on Humanity. What a wonderful time we are living in! Even with all the tragedy and traumas occurring all around us, we can know that there is an important purpose to our existence that is so profound as to be almost unbelievable, that our little planet and relatively small star, our Sun, have a stupendous task to achieve in that at-one-ment, which will eventually clear the way for Cosmic energy to sweep through the system, and for the eventual Purpose of God to potentially reach completion.

    Christ is also coming to alert us that we are in the middle of a miniature Armageddon: a battle with the forces of the lower mind (manas) or lower human values, against the energy of the Higher Mind (Buddhi) or Divine values, for the good of the Whole. The final battle to be fought will take place toward the end of the emerging human evolution known as the 6th root-race, between dark and light forces. What we do now may very well have some remaining influence that will aid the Forces of Light, and we are told that regardless of embodiment, The Christ is participating in this current battle against the forces of Maya, Glamour and Illusion. Let Spiritual Reality govern our every thought, let Truth be the keynote of our Lives.

    Perhaps we will learn the eventual Purpose of it all, that human life and its purpose within the Cosmos is required for the eventual PERFECT EXPRESSION OF GOD’S INTENTION. The One Life beyond all form will withdraw from all objective form, perfected consciousness having been achieved by the Whole. Then, all form manifestation and existence is annihilated and Cosmic Pralaya ensues. AUM There subsequently comes into expression God’s intention for a new period of manifestation, until that too is perfected. Over and Over again into Infinity!

    How is one to convey this rather complicated but really very simple truth to average human beings? Well, we can couch truth in many different ways and levels depending on the consciousness of those we seek to help. For some, a simple explanation, for others perhaps a more scientific approach, and so on. Some of us have a dream that one day a movie will be made on this subject. One that will be entertaining of course, but will contain essential truths that will stir the soul of Humanity. The importance of thought is not to be underestimated. Fiery Thoughts created by Fiery Hearts of the Synthesis of Being will use THE WILL TO GOOD to accomplish the work!

    Let us not forget that each instant must pertain to the New World. Observe that in enumerating the worlds We seem to omit the world of thought. This is not by accident. The Mental World constitutes a living link between the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. It enters in as the impellent nearest to the Fiery World. Thought does not exist without Fire, and Fire is transformed into creative thought. The manifestation of thought is already understood; let us also realize the Great Fire—Aum! – Agni Yoga, Fiery World I § 84]

    …Only simplicity is akin to Fire. – Agni Yoga, Fiery World – Book 1 (1933) – 577

    * The meaning of life is affirmed in the human consciousness when the understanding of man’s role in the Cosmos is revealed. The world is then designated by Us as a field for action in the name of the good of humanity. When the spirit apprehends the truth that Macrocosm and microcosm are inseparably bound together, a conscious bond is established, and cooperation with the cosmic energies becomes possible. But how helpless people are when they lead a form of life isolated from cosmic currents! Indeed, life is transformed when the spirit consciously ascends, understanding the leading principle—Hierarchy. Only when the perception of a guiding Hierarchy is consciously affirmed will humanity realize its true role in the Cosmos. Each link is connected with the next link leading upward. How poor is humanity, in whose consciousness the concept of the great cosmic laws is not affirmed! Only the creativeness of the spirit manifest will bring the worlds closer together. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the connecting law of Hierarchy.

    Agni Yoga, Fiery World III, 67

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