Humanity is Light

Today, in the resplendent fire of light of the celestial vault, the womb of the general Causes, bursts forth the combined Light of the highest agents of illumination: Saturn and Earth. From their concerted song are born cascades of radiant sparks that pour forth into the Waters of redemption and salvation of the Sign of Pisces, the transfiguring Agent that transmits the 2nd and 6th Ray (Love/Wisdom, Communion).

The sun’s rays should be appreciated as a universal treasure. … Why should people pass by the treasures of the universe that have been destined for them? The rhythm of the planets is made up of magnetic vortices and light. Can they not be put to use, just as the power of waterfalls is? Inexhaustible are the forces made available! … Take your share! …” [1]

Directing thought towards the “ritual life of the solar System” to celebrate the conjunctions of the Earth with the Luminaries, the designated Guides of mankind, means orienting oneself to Heaven in order not to miss the Dates, to access Their creative power, so as to live in a compliant and responsible manner, giving rhythm to our creative activity in resonance with the planetary and solar Plan of evolution and its real Government. “The bond between the spirit and the luminary is so powerful when the designated date nears that the evidence of striving is expressed at every intercrossing of light.” [2]

The intense and profound resonance connecting Earth and Saturn, both Luminaries of the 3rd Ray (Light/Active Intelligence), ignites a mighty concord and releases creative flashes. The “throat centre” of man and of our planetary Logos (Humanity), also of 3rd Ray, responds to the resonance as well.

Light, the rhythmic motion of Fire, the daughter of Life and infinite Space, like a visible and invisible flame guides humanity along the paths of cosmic Order. That universal creative power transforms the world and is the key that opens the door to the new age: an age of light, of illumination and revelation.

Saturn, the cosmic Thinker, Son of the One and the Two, performs great luminous tasks and brings about the synthesis of solar will and spatial love, which is the splendour of the driving Intelligence. His influence is necessary to enable consciousness to become aware of its destiny. His Light accompanies the constructive process of sacralization of matter by means of the evolutionary path of consciousness which, attaining concrete experience, conquers an ever more inclusive vision: in this sense Saturn becomes the “liberator”, that “door” which allows the passage leading into the unlimited, into the “timeless”, into the supernal Light.

Such a resonance of Light seems to open (for Humanity aligned with the Will to save, in order to bestow Freedom and serve the Plan) the possibility of consciously realising cooperation with the community of Thinkers and planning a new human society.

The solar Clock therefore calls to action and the New Group of World Servers, the Disciple of the One Humanity, responds and, “in a united breath and unified rhythm” with the lights of the Heavens, with increasing awareness of its solar destiny as the fourth Hierarchy, intensifies its creative Activity in view of 2025, the sacred date for the Externalisation of the Hierarchy. With the power of Love it anchors in Space and in all hearts doses of the Light of Life and of solar and cosmic Truth, affirming the identity with the third of the seven Energies [3] of the One Humanity:

Humanity is Light

On this sacred date of Light, we radiate some of the precious gems sown in the texts of the Teaching. “Humanity is the planetary light bearer, transmitting the light of knowledge, of wisdom, and of understanding, and this in the esoteric sense. These three aspects of light carry three aspects of soul energy to the soul in all forms, through the medium of the anima mundi, the world soul…
The downpouring spiritual Triangle and the upraising matter Triangle meet point to point in humanity when the point of balance can be found. In man’s achievement and spiritualization is the hope of the world. Mankind itself is the world Saviour, of which all world Saviours have been but the symbol and the guarantee…
Thus humanity serves, and in the development of a conscious aptitude for service, in the growth of a conscious understanding of the individual part to be played in the working out of the plan and in the rendering of the personality subject to the soul, will come the steady progress of humanity towards its goal of world service.” [4]

“You are the light of the world. …

Just so, your light must shine before others.” [5]

Dazzling words for disciples committed to becoming light-bearers themselves, that light which the great Saviour and Master of Masters, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, poured into the new humanity. “Great spiritual entities before Him poured Light into the world and into human society, but He claimed to be the source of those Lights. … That Light is the psychic climate of the great dialogue between Earth and Heaven: Earth calls, Heaven responds. Man acts as interpreter between the objective and specific language and the universal; he picks up whirlwinds of the latter and translates them, to the best of his ability, into abstract or concrete thoughts, wrapped in logical forms of words. This leads to distortions and loss of meaning, yet the fabric of the dialogue is refined and shines clear.” [6]

It will also be shown that the soul itself is light, and that the entire Hierarchy is a great centre of light… The theme of light runs through all the world Scriptures… The thought of more light governs all the inchoate yearnings of the human spirit. … [From]the Centre of Life where dwells the Ancient of Days… [the Lord or Ruler of the World and Humanity, the creator of thinking man] Sanat Kumara… streams what has been called the Light of Life, the Light Supernal.” [7]

“Man, in consciousness, is able to ‘manoeuvre’ the Light. … he can concentrate it, direct it and diffuse it, as a great act of Service. … ‘Keeping the mind in the Light’ lowers Heaven (which remains where it is), and elevates the Earth. The disciple, engaged in learning the sublime lesson, no longer detaches himself from that Mentor who has always enlightened his Way. He understands that there are different ways of living, thinking and working. [8]

“Light is the effect of thought” [9] and every man, Son of God, is destined to become a creative thinker capable of enlightening the world with Ideas of Truth, which is Light, meaning that he can rule from the plane of the higher Mind in order to arrange the causes of future forms.

Therefore, ‘Creating is our destiny’ and creating moved by the fiery Will-to-Good in Beauty and Truth is the golden Path that leads to unlimited Communion with all worlds, in a ‘timeless’ time. From the School of the solar Community we can learn the art of designing the future of the new human civilisation and, in the community of the earth, offer a service that testifies to the sacredness of the art of living.

The white Magician [*] advances in the art of living with his bright and immutable lights:

1. The light of substance, or the innate light of the personality.

2. The light of the soul, attuned to the light of love, which dominates the Hierarchy.

3. The light of the Triad, which is an aspect of the spiritual Will, and which streams from Shamballa.” [10]

“Humanity is bound to the Cosmos by inseverable bonds.” [11] And only through humanity itself will the divine Plan be realised. Here are “the four major goals which the Workers with the Plan have set Themselves… 

  1. The first aim and the primary aim is to establish, through the medium of humanity, an outpost of the Consciousness of God in the solar system… 
  2. To found upon earth (as has already been indicated) a powerhouse of such potency and a focal point of such energy that humanity—as a whole—can be a factor in the solar system, bringing about changes and events of a unique nature in the planetary life and lives (and therefore in the system itself) and inducing an interstellar activity.
  3. To develop a station of light, through the medium of the fourth kingdom in nature, which will serve not only the planet, and not only our particular solar system, but the seven systems of which ours is one. This question of light, bound up as it is with the colours of the seven rays, is as yet an embryo science… 
  4. To set up a magnetic centre in the universe, in which the human kingdom and the kingdom of souls will, united or at-oned, be the point of most intense power, and which will serve the developed Lives within the radius of the radiance of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said. [12]

“When… each Son of God is a perfected Sun, characterised by perfectly expressed light and heat, then the entire solar system, the greater Son of God, will be the perfected Sun. The system will then be characterised by a “blaze of refulgent glory”, and by a radiation that will link it up with its cosmic centre, and thus effect the liberation of the Son, and His return to the far distant source from whence the primal impulse originated.” [13]

“We cannot attain… Bliss and the “Kingdom of Heaven”, unless we link ourselves indissolubly with our Rex Lux, the Lord of Splendour and of Light, our immortal God within us.” [14]

The One Humanity, shining gem of the New Age, sees nothing but Light, which organises and orders Light.

“Having pervaded this entire universe with a fragment of Myself,
I remain.”

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.

Let Light descend on Earth.



[1] Agni Yoga Series, Illumination § 356
[2] Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 381
[3] The seven Energies of the One Humanity – see articles:
Humanity is Will – July 23
Humanity is Love – December 7
Humanity is Harmony – August 19
Humanity is Thought – June 4
Humanity is One – September 21
Humanity is Order – November 17
[4] A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, pp. 100-101
[5] Gospel according to Matthew 5, 14-16
[6] E. Savoini, Keeping the Mind steady in the Light, unpublished paper
[7] A. A. Bailey, Rays and the Initiations, p. 143
[8] E. Savoini, Keeping the Mind steady in the Light, unpublished paper
[9] Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy § 99
[10] A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 413
[11] Agni Yoga Series, Infinity I § 23
[12] A. A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p. 217
[13] A. A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 228-229
[14] Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Vol. III
[15] A. A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 158

[*] The four points of Revelation of the initiatic process ‘into the Light’, considered in Discipleship in the New Age II, pp. 369-370, are given below:

“1. Energy follows thought and the eye directs the energy.
Involves the physical plane.
Relates to the first initiation.
Concerns the ajna centre and the so-called third eye.
2. The will is an expression of the Law of Sacrifice.
Involves the astral plane.
Relates to the second initiation.
Concerns the heart centre, the “advancing point of Light”.
3. The Monad is to the planetary Logos what the third eye is to man.
Involves the mental plane.
Relates to the third initiation.
Concerns the head centre, the light of Purpose.
4. Purpose itself is only an energy, released within the confines of the Council Chamber. There it must take shape.
Involves the buddhic or intuitional plane.
Relates to the fourth initiation.
Concerns the throat centre. Light upon the Path.
There follows next the fifth revelation, which is as follows:
5. When the light of the seven Rays is blended with that of the seventh Ray, then light supernal can be known.
Involves the atmic plane.
Relates to the fifth and sixth initiations.
Concerns the alta major centre. Extra-planetary light.”


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3 Responses to Humanity is Light

  1. Jo says:

    What a beautiful unfolding statement of reality.

  2. Suzanne B. Miller says:

    Gratitude for these illuminating articles which continually serve to inspire, guide and beautify ” our little lives”. Always, they point us to the promise of The Great Path of Redemption and Reunion with The source.

  3. Debra Oliver says:

    Such a splendid article. Deepest gratitude!

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